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Transformation in the Publishing Community Is a Key Theme at Digital Book World Conference + Expo, March 7-9 in N.Y.C.
DBW 2016 Speakers Reveal How They're Thriving Through and Beyond Publishing's Digital Transformation; Early-Bird Registration Deadlines Approach

NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The 7th Annual Digital Book World Conference + Expo (DBW) is focusing on transformation as one of its key themes with numerous speakers offering first-hand accounts of how their businesses are succeeding through and beyond publishing's digital transformation. DBW 2016 is the premier event for book publishers and content providers of all sizes and business models. The event (@DigiBookWorld - #DBW16) takes place March 7 – 9, 2016 at the New York Hilton Midtown in N.Y.C. Registration and program details are available at (the best early-bird rates expire Dec. 15; the next early-bird registration deadline is Feb. 8).

Transformation at Sourcebooks
Dominique Raccah (@draccah), CEO of Sourcebooks, will share her thoughts on transformation and how her company, Sourcebooks, has changed. Sourcebooks has built on its position as a general trade publisher to create two new direct-to-consumer business models and revenue streams: Simple Truths, which gathers a vertical community around the topics of inspiration, motivation and leadership, and Put Me In The Story, which builds and delivers customized children's books and other products based on bestselling titles licensed from all publishers. Raccah will describe how these new businesses have impacted the entire organization and how Sourcebooks is becoming an even more powerful publisher on its own, through the new capabilities it has built.

Transformation at Ingram Content Companies
DBW 2016 speaker John Ingram, chairman and CEO of Ingram Content Companies (@IngramContent), has been leading the business for more than two decades. It was recently reported that Ingram derives half of its operating margin from businesses it didn't have or were not material even 10 years ago. Their transformation began with Lightning Source's print-on-demand capability, which John Ingram led his company to start in the late 1990s, and which over the past decade has become an important linchpin of many of the company's subsequent digital efforts. Lightning Source led directly to CoreSource, Ingram's digital asset management platform. Ingram truly has transformed its businesses while maintaining the core print wholesaling operation, which was its original foundation. At the upcoming conference, Ingram will talk about transformational change while maintaining core activities, a topic that the book publishing community needs to know more about.

Other DBW 2016 speakers who will present on transformation include: Clay Stobaugh (@ClayStobaugh), executive vice president and chief marketing officer at Wiley; Cheryl Toto, senior vice president, strategy and development, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (@HMHCo); and Mary Ann Naples (@manaples), senior vice president and publisher of Rodale Books and Rodale Wellness.

Visit to register (the best early-bird rates expire Dec. 15; the next early-bird registration deadline is Feb. 8). Or e-mail to enquire about attending, sponsoring or exhibiting.