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Digital Book World Conference + Expo Publishes New White Paper, 'Viewpoints on Publishing's Digital Transformation'
Pundits from DBW 2016, March 7 - 9 in N.Y.C., Share Lessons and Insights for theDigital Book Publishing and Content Communities; Conference Early-Bird Rates Expire Feb. 8

NEW YORK, Jan. 22, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- A newly published white paper from the Digital Book World Conference + Expo (DBW) offers insights about some of the most important book business and digital content topics – from the book industry's ongoing digital transformation, to "Big Tech" and publishing, to personalized content, new publishing revenue streams, audiobooks, copyright issues in a digital age, and how to capitalize on key opportunities, among other topics. The white paper, Viewpoints on Publishing's Digital Transformation, is free and available to download now at

A new white paper from the Digital Book World Conference + Expo offers insights about some of the most important book business and digital content topics - from the book industry's ongoing digital transformation, to

DBW 2016 is the premier event for book publishers and content providers of all sizes and business models. The event (@DigiBookWorld - #DBW16) takes place March 7 – 9, 2016 in N.Y.C. Registration and program details are at (the best early-bird rates expire Feb. 8).

Key topics and experts in the new DBW white paper include:

  • Sleeping Through a Revolution – Johnathan Taplin (@JonathanTaplin), Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California
  • The Four Horsemen [Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google] – Scott Galloway (@profgalloway), NYU Stern School of Business
  • Transforming a Legacy Business – John Ingram, Ingram Content Group (@IngramContent)
  • Transformation, Personalized Content and New Revenue Streams – Dominique Raccah (@draccah), Sourcebooks
  • Delivering High-Quality Digital Products & Services – Clay Stobaugh (@ClayStobaugh), Wiley
  • The Pace and Direction of Our Work Will Never Be the Same – Susan Ruszala, NetGalley (@NetGalley)
  • Elastic Ebook Pricing – Nathan Maharaj, Kobo (@kobo)
  • The State and Future of Digital Audiobooks – Erica Lazzaro, OverDrive, Inc. (@OverDriveLibs)
  • What Publishers Need to Know About Copyright – Karyn Temple Claggett, United States Copyright Office (@CopyrightOffice)
  • Changes to Global Copyright Law and How They Will Impact Your Business – Roy S. Kaufman, Copyright Clearance Center (@copyrightclear)
  • What Does the Audience Get out of the Digital Book World Conference + Expo? – Mike Shatzkin (@MikeShatzkin), The Idea Logical Company

DBW 2016 is produced by F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company in partnership with Publishers Launch Conferences. Visit to register (the best early-bird rates expire Feb. 8). Or e-mail to enquire about attending, sponsoring or exhibiting.

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SOURCE Digital Book World Conference + Expo

For further information: Aaron Kiel, ak PR Group, 919-325-3358 - Office, 310-699-4805 - Cell,